Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I feel like I should talk about the Federal Vision controversy. Unfortunately, this is only due to a feeling of vague moral obligation, as every other Reformed blogger seems to care. It is in no way due to any interest of mine. I simply find the whole thing infinitely boring. It should be manifestly clear to everyone that Reformed theology isn't as one dimensional as the 5-points + baby sprinklin' types say it is. It should also be clear that we should steer clear of talking about covenant-keeping as a condition of salvation. I understand what people mean by that, but the problem is that kind of language is still too loaded with medieval baggage to be useful. People are just too likely to automatically think "Racking up credits to use at the heavenly Kwik-E-Mart," and they're not going to read the 300-page book you wrote about it.


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